Friday, 25 April 2008

drawing people in clothes is so boring!
why won't girls just walk around naked?

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

From the horse's mouth

I came across a funny sculpture in the Tretyakov gallery. Forgot the author's name. Yeah, this is a work by a Soviet sculptor Isidor Frich-Haar. It's supposed to be a scene from the Civil war in Russia (1918-1922). Red Army guys do some military planning (they are using 1:1 maps, obviously)

btw, I like the thoughtful eyes of the messenger's horse. The reference site says Mr  Frich-Haar was working in the naive style, because, like he said, "I can't afford being a serious artist".

Monday, 21 April 2008

Растущее достоинство

рассматривая первое, наткнулся на второе. Колонка главного редактора в журнале объявлений, Новосибирск

Red Square renovated for the May 9 parade

the guys are replacing pebbles in front of the Kremlin wall. Check out the instruments they are using - a replica of a good old wooden mallet?

Sunday, 13 April 2008

weekend in a small town

 We went to Dmitrov for the Pancake week a few weeks ago. Actually, we planned a trip to Kolomna, a lovely town in the opposite direction, but Dmitrov was much closer. It was quite a "blind date", because we knew nothing about the town - but we weren't disappointed. 

Thursday, 10 April 2008

well, I didn't make it to the class last Thursday (so the previous figure remains unchanged) - but I did manage to get there two Tuesdays in succession. So, here's our new model - Anatoly, an amateur actor, loves to talk during sesions, recites his new role (a sparrow - quite a challenging part for a guy of his proportions) and ... well... here he is:

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Меня достают эти разговоры о том, что "вот при Сталине был порядок", "вот Сталин сейчас бы навел порядок". Какой на хер порядок? Убить накануне войны всех военачальников - это порядок? В ходе индустриализации сажать специалистов - это порядок? Устроить чехарду в науках? Переписывать историю каждый день, замалевывать на фотографиях расстрелянных комиссаров? Вчера герой - завтра предатель: это порядок? Это бардак какой-то. Если любите Сталина, так честно и скажите: мы хотим вернуть кровавый бардак!