...несчастный король (Георг III) в поисках покоя и забвения уединился в Уэймуте...
Представьте себе удивление его величества во время первого купания в море: не успела его венценосная голова показаться над волнами, как мини-оркестр, сокрытый в ближайшей из купален, грянул во всю мощь: "Боже, храни короля..."
Лорд-пэру Уэймута предстояло приветствовать гостя. Его предупредили, что, обращаясь к королю, следует опуститься на колени. К удивлению окружающих, в торжественный момент мэр остался стоять на ногах и приложился к королевской руке "обычным образом". - Потрудитесь преклонить колени, сэр! - прошипел разъяренный конюший. - Я не могу, сэр, - услышал он в ответ. - Но так делают все, сэр! - Простите, сэр, - в голосе мэра слышалось откровенное отчаяние, - но у меня деревянная нога!
(Генри В. Мортон. "По Англии и Уэльсу. Путешествия по Великобритании" М., СПб, 2008)
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Rembrandt and the world economic crisis
"[In 1650] Rembrandt's finances were in good shape; his insolvency was not to come until 1656, after the international economic crisis of 1653"
(from "Rembrandt's Etching Technique: An Example" by Peter Morse, www.gutenberg.org/files/26496/26496-h/26496-h.htm)
(from "Rembrandt's Etching Technique: An Example" by Peter Morse, www.gutenberg.org/files/26496/26496-h/26496-h.htm)
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Anti-Crisis Job Pool
Been anywhere interesting lately? Moscow's Butyrka prison is hiring men and women, aged 18-39, for unspecifies jobs, with a salary of $400-600. The ad was placed in the Moscow subway. Applicants get social benefits (and a chance to meet a lot of interesting people). Note, the prison's got a website (I wonder if they allow webcams there)
Friday, 10 April 2009
Bad guys vs Good guys
Soviet artist's representation of a foreign spy: a villain in a prisoner's pea-jacket, ear-flapped hat and felled boots gets easily trapped by the border guards. Look at his knife, too! Dangerous fella.

That's from a Soviet Nursery Rhyme book. A small puppy picked up in the street became a Defender of our Motherland.

The preface says, children should learn about the Party and Lenin from early age.
and inside we find a few poems about Lenin and a story: Lenin entertains children at a New Year party. A rather reluctant account written by one of the party apparatchiks. Luckily, this bullshit takes just around 2 per cent of the book.

The preface says, children should learn about the Party and Lenin from early age.
and inside we find a few poems about Lenin and a story: Lenin entertains children at a New Year party. A rather reluctant account written by one of the party apparatchiks. Luckily, this bullshit takes just around 2 per cent of the book.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
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